Monday, October 15, 2012

I Love Fall!

Fall is by far my favorite season of the year. Don't get me wrong, I love beaching it in the summer, wearing my scarves in the winter, and jumping for joy when I can finally go out in shorts in the Spring. But there is something so wonderful about Autumn.

That crispness in the air, the gorgeous colors of the leaves, the clearness of the blue sky. And beyond the natural beauty, there's the awesome Fall foods I can begin shamelessly dipping into, the fire in the fireplace on brisk nights, my favorite teas, and last but not least football games on the weekends. 

Here is a list of everything I love, in no particularly order, and probably not exhaustive:

Candy Corn. You know it! Throw in some of the candy corn pumpkins and I'm even happier.

Butternut Squash Soup. I may freak out that I'm going to cut my finger every time I go to dice the squash, but so far so good, and it's worth it!

Pumpkin...everything. Lattes, pies, oatmeal, muffins; I could go on and on.

NFL Football. Yep, I love football! I spent the summer away in England and got into many a discussion about soccer football versus American football. Clearly, American football is best, but I'm still working on a few of my non-US friends.

Fall Decorations. I need to get going on Pinterest for this. But what is more festive than some Fall foliage on a table, a wreath of gourds, a scarecrow on the front porch, or a wagon of pumpkins and hay?

Pumpkin Patches. Apple cider, kids lugging around big orange pumpkins, throwing on a jacket and scarf, and having tons of fun. 

Digging Out Winter Clothes. The best is not remember exactly what you had, and being excited when it's better than you expected. Almost like going shopping...for free! There is so much you an put into your Fall ensemble, from scarves and boots to jackets and hats. Good stuff.

Outdoor Activities. The summer heat is gone, but the winter awfulness hasn't hit. I went bouldering yesterday and was just in awe as I drove through the park and gazed out at the mountains, trees blazing in different shades of orange, red and yellow, with a fresh breeze wrapping me in the sights as I cruised along.

First Fire in the Fireplace. The crackling of logs, the flicker of light, the warm heat radiating out. Nothing beats a nice fire. I love curling up and reading or watching tv with a fire in the background. And after always growing up with old school log fires, I have to say that although I miss the woodsy smells and popping logs, I am loving the instant gratification as I hit the "on" button of my gas fireplace remote!

Heading Into the Holiday Season. I'm a sucker for special occasions. Seriously, I probably get more excited about birthdays than 7 year olds. And yes, I still make a Christmas list each year. But why not get excited about holidays? I think in today's culture, we neglect to celebrate as we should. What's wrong with getting swept up in festivities and enjoying the occasion?! Not that I agree with the immense (and ridiculous) amount of consumerism that holidays have unfortunately become. But the premise and joy that they embody is very welcome in my book.

That's it. There's my list. I'm sure more will come to mind, and I may add as I go along. But you get the general idea. 

If you've got favorite parts of Fall, add them to the list through the comments!

Now quit reading this, go rake up a pile of leaves, and jump in it!

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